An updated July 2024 draft of the new Fargo Growth Plan is ready to review!

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Fargo Growth Plan 2024 is an effort to provide the City of Fargo with updated direction on where to grow and how to grow in the coming decades. It will be Fargo’s first updated growth plan since the last one was adopted in 2007.


Fargo’s new growth plan will provide long-range guidance on land use and land development to the City of Fargo, its partner agencies, and the private sector. As with Fargo’s previous growth plans, it will be used to inform updates to the Land Development Code (LDC), aid the development of capital investment plans for services and utilities, shape future transportation plans, and guide the development of new programs and policies related to development and redevelopment. 

A decision-making framework for future development and redevelopment based on what the community values and its vision for growth

Guidance on “what goes where” to shape future development and redevelopment in ways that support community goals

A growth management plan that outlines specific implementation steps for the City of Fargo and other agencies to pursue to advance the community’s vision for growth


Three phases have been used to organize the work behind the Fargo Growth Plan 2024. The first phase examined how Fargo has grown, especially in recent decades, and how it might continue to grow if it stays the course. The second phase garnered feedback from stakeholders and the general public to develop a Preferred Growth Scenario. And the final phase, which began in December 2023 has involved the development and refinement of the new growth plan.

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