Project Documents

An updated July 2024 draft of the new Fargo Growth Plan is ready to review!

Review and comment on the draft plan by August 6th.

Documents and materials presented during the Fargo Growth Plan 2024 process, as well as summaries of public engagement activities, are archived below. Also below are links to relevant city and regional planning documents that are informing the development of the new growth plan.

For additional project background and information, visit the City of Fargo's website at  

The Fargo Growth Plan 2024 will not exist in a vacuum. 

It will be informed, in part, by priorities and goals outlined in several existing plans that remain current and provide strategic direction on land development, redevelopment, and investment for the City of Fargo. 

These include:

The new growth plan will inform the implementation of, and updates to, these other plans. In particular, Fargo Growth Plan 2024 will represent an updated land use and development component of the comprehensive plan.  

Like the GO2030 Comprehensive Plan, the InFocus Downtown Plan, and the Core Neighborhoods Master Plan, the Fargo Growth Plan 2024 will be a non-binding plan. In other words, adoption of the plan by the City Commission will provide policy direction, but it will not automatically result in changes to zoning regulations, building codes, or development standards. 

For the new growth plan’s vision to be implemented, adoption of the plan will need to be followed-up by changes to the Land Development Code (LDC) and other policies that dictate “what goes where.” The current LDC has not been substantially updated since 1999, and the City of Fargo intends to begin a process to update the LDC after the new growth plan is adopted.